The PA Melting Pot: The PA Melting Pot: Part 7 SOUTH CENTRAL EUROPEAN...: My column for the Uniontown Herald-Standard to be published on April 3, 2014. The Melting Pot: A look at the evolution of food in sout...
The PA Melting pot creates an Ethnic Triangle of multiple nationalities in SE Ohio, SW PA and NW WV. There are 12 MAJOR ethnic immigrant groups from the 1700’s to the 1960’s. This series of articles will focus on these immigrant groups and their cuisine THEN and NOW!!
Monday, March 31, 2014
The PA Melting Pot: Part 7-2 SOUTH CENTRAL EUROPEANS: - Czechoslovakians (NOW CZECH REPUBLIC) and Slovakians
Melting Pot: A look at the evolution of food in southwestern Pa. Part 7 - 2 SOUTH CENTRAL EUROPEANS: Czechoslovakians and Slovakians
Because of
the proximity/history the Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia) and Slovakia
are ultimately tied together and will be referred to as Slovaks in this column. They were joined, broken apart and
more!! Upon arrival in the US they were
called “Hunkies” because of their escape from Austro-Hungarian oppression but
actually weren’t Hungarian. Again immigration officials lumped nationalities
together. These uneducated peasants
settled in Homestead and Munhall to work in the coal fields and steel mills
& were given the hardest jobs and received the lowest wages!! By 1907 52% of the Pittsburgh steel workers
were of Slovakian descent. Over 40% of
them took in boarders in crowded tenement buildings just to survive.
County in 2000 traced 6.6% of its population to Slovakia and Allegheny County’s
Mon Valley towns of Whitaker, Munhall and West
Homestead have the largest Slovak concentrations, ranging from 22 to 19 percent. Eventually they became known as hardworking, reliable,
patriotic and honest citizens.
Their lives
& entertainment were centered on community, church and family. The majority of the Slovaks were Roman
Catholic but some owed their allegiance to the Russian Orthodox Church &
often were mistaken for Russians.
they had such long hours they spent a lot of their income on
“stick-to-the-ribs” foods which meant meats and breads and not too many vegetables
(more expensive and longer prep time).
Soups were
popular especially for work lunches: Rasca
Polievka (caraway), Staromódny Zemiaková Polievka (old fashioned potato),
Ciberja (potatoes, buttermilk, eggs and green or wax beans) and even a sweet
dessert soup called Sladký Dezert Polievka.
such as Knedlyky (cottage cheese filling), Halusky (varied fillings) and Pirohy
(pierogies) (filled with potatoes or cottage cheese) were popular. NOTE: Our
family would buy Pirohy (pierogies) freshly made from an area church on Friday
Syry (cheeses) are popular: Ostipok (salty sheep cheese), Parenica (semi-soft unripe, steamed cheese) and Vyprážaný Syr (fried cheese served with French fries and tartar sauce).
Meat dishes included
Kielbassi, Vepřo-Knedlo-Zelo (Pork with dumplings and cabbage), Plnená Kapusta (stuffed
cabbage), Goulash (beef or veal, potatoes, carrots, onions), pork, goose and
sausages. Also popular with meals were Kochania (jellied pig’s feet) and Kapusta
Ochutenie (sauerkraut relish).
Beverages included Kofola and Zincica (soft
drinks), aperitifs, wine, beer, vodka and liqueurs.
Desserts included Zemlovka (fruit pudding),
Babovka (pound cake), Palacinky (pancakes), Orechové Rožky (nut rolls), Torty (cakes),
Palacinky (crepes), Cheregie (deep fried desserts), Bublanina (cherry or
blueberry squares), Kolachky (filled squares), Pretazeny Ornamentami
(gingerbread) and Cukríky (candies).
For holidays and family occasions there were
special dishes such as Palnina for Easter (veal loaf served cold, sliced or
cubed) on a platter with other foods such as Cirek (Easter cheese), ham and
Kielbassi. There was a Vianočné (Christmas bean dish), a Kyslá Hubová Polievka
(sour mushroom soup) and even a Nové Matky Jačmeň Polievka (new mother’s barley
S&D Polish Deli in Pittsburgh’s strip district carries Polish and Slovakian
foods. I would recommend it. The food is great!! You can order products on-line
LINK to sdpolishdeli/
LINK to sdpolishdeli/
The Slovaks and the Czechoslovakians emigrated to western PA during the Oppressive
Austro-Hungarian rule
Austro-Hungarian rule
- 1800's to 1950
- Settled in Pittsburgh lower Homestead area
- Families in area took in boarders
- They were referred to as "Hunkies"
- Millworkers, train loaders and worked in cinder pits
- Hard workers
- Roman Catholic & some Orthodox
Dissolution of Czechoslovakia
January 1, 1993
The Dissolution of Czechoslovakia, which took effect on 1 January 1993, was the self-determined split of the federal republic of Czechoslovakia into the independent countries of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. WikipediaSlovak Republic: 1939–1945
First Czechoslovak Republic: 1918–1938
Second Czechoslovak Republic: 1938–1939
Third Czechoslovak Republic: 1945–1948
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic: 1948–1989
Velvet Revolution: 1989

New Czechoslovakian and Slovakian Video and Recipe and Informational Links
Monday, March 24, 2014
The Melting Pot: Bulgarians and Macedonians - Food
The PA Melting Pot – Part 6 Macedonians – Part 2
Bulgarians and Macedonians
The Macedonian and Bulgarian cultures, languages and
customs are intertwined due to proximity and the migration of the Macedonians
to Bulgaria and then to the US and an inevitable unification in the US.
About Bulgaria: At one time it was part of the large
Macedonian Empire (Bulgaria, northern Greece, Turkey, Yugoslavia and the now
Republic of Macedonia). Today it is
a country in the Balkans on
the western side of the Black Sea. It is surrounded by Romania to the north, Serbia to the northwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the
southwest, Greece to the south,
and Turkey to the
About Macedonia: Some historians say that Macedonia endured
the greatest hardships of any European country under five centuries of Turkish
oppression. To escape this they migrated
to the Balkan countries (which includes Bulgaria) and then by World War II
200,000 had migrated to the US. Many
settled in western Pa. They were
hard-working and intelligent.
The first Bulgarians arrived in the
Pittsburgh area in 1900, settled in West Homestead, Homestead, Duquesne, West
Mifflin, Clairton and McKeesport and then later, some of them brought their
families to Allegheny County. They were unskilled workers (mostly single men
who lived in boarding houses) who mainly worked in the mills, mines and on
railroads. Others did not stay. They
made money & returned to Bulgaria. During World War II Bulgarian and
Macedonian women worked in factories.
The Macedonians united with the
Bulgarians to form a strong union. Of those immigrants who stayed: “According to the Global
Pittsburgh website there were 33 Bulgarian-Macedonian bakeries at the Start of
World War II in Allegheny County”. The
Bulgarians who didn’t work in the mills were strong entrepreneurs. At one time
in the area the Macedonian-Bulgarian community was the largest in the United
States and encompassed 500 families. The people were proud of their culture and
emphasized education.
A typical Bulgarian factory lunch was a
salad made of green peppers, vinegar, oil and garlic and a sandwich (either
cheese, eggs or meat). Bulgarian foods (with a heavy Turkish influence) were
Popska Yahnia (veal and onion stew), homemade yoghurt made into cheese (onions
could be added to enhance the taste), Tarator (cold cucumber soup), Fasul or
Bop (white bean soup), Yagni Spinak I Oris (lamb, spinach and rice), Korabeeki
(yoghurt cookie), Apple Strudel and Baniza (flaky strudel dough filled with
cottage cheese filling or spinach filling or leek and cheese fillings).
Some typical
Macedonian foods are: Macedonian Stuffed
Cabbage with Egg and Lemon, Elia’s Stew (beef, onions, hot peppers, garlic,
parsley, paprika and ketchup), Easy Mlechnik (True Macedonian Cheese Pie made
with eggs, cream cheese and feta…), Revani (Macedonian Syrup Cake), Pinjur
(Eggplant Dip), Kokoshka sou Oris (Macedonian Chicken and Rice), Banitza (also
Bulgarian above), Sutlijach (Rice pudding) and Ravanija (coconut
Beverages: Rakia is a popular alcoholic beverage and national drink of
Bulgaria and Macedonia. It is made of
fruit which has been distilled and fermented.
Thick, dark espresso coffee, sugary sodas,
mineral water and natural fruit juices are also popular.
Today in Homestead there is Bulgarian-Macedonian
National Educational & Cultural Center: “A nonprofit organization whose mission is to embrace and
preserve the cultural values and rich traditions of the Bulgarian and
Macedonian people. They also seek to articulate and promote those values and
traditions as a way of enhancing tolerance and understanding among all peoples.”
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
THE PA MELTING POT - Part 6 - 2 Eastern Europeans:: The Macedonians and Bulgarians
The PA
Melting Pot – Part 6 - 2 Eastern Europeans
Bulgarians and Macedonians
Bulgarians and Macedonians
Macedonian and Bulgarian cultures, The
languages and customs are intertwined due to proximity and the migration of the Macedonians to Bulgaria and then to the US and an inevitable unification in the US.
languages and customs are intertwined due to proximity and the migration of the Macedonians to Bulgaria and then to the US and an inevitable unification in the US.
At one time it was part of the large Macedonian Empire (Bulgaria, northern
Greece, Turkey, Yugoslavia and the now Republic of Macedonia). Today it is a country in the Balkans on
the western side of the Black Sea. It is surrounded by Romania to the north, Serbia to the northwest, the Republic of Macedonia to the
southwest, Greece to the south,
and Turkey to the
Some historians say that Macedonia endured the greatest hardships of any
European country under five centuries of Turkish oppression. To escape this they migrated to the Balkan
countries (which includes Bulgaria) and then by World War II 200,000 had migrated
to the US. Many settled in western Pa. They were hard-working and intelligent.
The first
Bulgarians arrived in the Pittsburgh area in 1900, settled in West Homestead,
Homestead, Duquesne, West Mifflin, Clairton and McKeesport and then later, some
of them brought their families to Allegheny County. They were unskilled workers
(mostly single men who lived in boarding houses) who mainly worked in the
mills, mines and on railroads. Others did not stay. They made money & returned to Bulgaria. During
World War II Bulgarian and Macedonian women worked in factories.
Macedonians united with the Bulgarians to form a strong union. Of those
immigrants who stayed: “According to the
Global Pittsburgh website there were 33 Bulgarian-Macedonian bakeries at the
Start of World War II in Allegheny County”.
The Bulgarians who didn’t work in the mills were strong entrepreneurs. At
one time in the area the Macedonian-Bulgarian community was the largest in the
United States and encompassed 500 families. The people were proud of their
culture and emphasized education.
A typical
Bulgarian factory lunch was a salad made of green peppers, vinegar, oil and
garlic and a sandwich (either cheese, eggs or meat). Bulgarian foods (with a
heavy Turkish influence) were Popska Yahnia (veal and onion stew), homemade
yoghurt made into cheese (onions could be added to enhance the taste), Tarator
(cold cucumber soup), Fasul or Bop (white bean soup), Yagni Spinak I Oris
(lamb, spinach and rice), Korabeeki (yoghurt cookie), Apple Strudel and Baniza (flaky
strudel dough filled with cottage cheese filling or spinach filling or leek and
cheese fillings).
Some typical Macedonian foods are: Macedonian Stuffed Cabbage with Egg and Lemon, Elia’s Stew (beef, onions, hot peppers, garlic, parsley, paprika and ketchup), Easy Mlechnik (True Macedonian Cheese Pie made with eggs, cream cheese and feta…), Revani (Macedonian Syrup Cake), Pinjur (Eggplant Dip), Kokoshka sou Oris (Macedonian Chicken and Rice), Banitza (also Bulgarian above), Sutlijach (Rice pudding) and Ravanija (coconut dessert).
Beverages: Rakia is a popular alcoholic beverage and national drink of Bulgaria and Macedonia. It is made of fruit which has been distilled and fermented. Thick, dark espresso coffee, sugary sodas, mineral water and natural fruit juices are also popular.
Today in Homestead there is a Bulgarian-
Macedonian National Educational &
Center: “A nonprofit
organization whose
mission is to embrace and preserve the cultural values and rich
traditions of
the Bulgarian and Macedonian people. They also seek to articulate and promote
those values and traditions as a way of enhancing tolerance and understanding
among all peoples.”
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BELOW THE PHOTOS: (Below the additional information are informational links, recipe links and videos!!)
Like the cuisines of its Balkan neighbors, Bulgarian cuisine has assimilated many elements of Turkish cuisine. There is an emphasis on dairy products, mainly yogurt and cheese; on nuts, especially the walnuts and sunflower seeds of the Tundzha Valley; and on fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Traditional meat dishes—stews, sausages, kebabs (grilled meats)—are most often made of lamb, veal, or pork. Also popular are chicken, beef, brains, kidney, and liver. Bulgarian dishes are generally spicier than those of neighboring countries, and cooks are liberal in their use of herbs and strongly flavored condiments such as garlic and chili peppers.
Because many of the ingredients in Bulgarian
cuisine are available in the United States, first- and second-generation
Bulgarian Americans have continued cooking and consuming the dishes they
enjoyed in Bulgaria. However, family meals often become more elaborate and meat
more frequent if the family prospers in its adopted country. Conversely, the
diets of poor, early immigrant laborers tended to match their humble living
Traditional breakfasts are simple, eaten at home before the work day begins. The breakfast usually consists of bread, fruit, and cheese—the most familiar being sirene, a salty, feta-like cheese, and kashkaval, a hard cheese similar to Cheddar— which are washed down with a glass of yogurt ( kiselo mlyako ) or boza, a millet drink. Mid-day meals tend to be soups or fried dishes, cooked in butter or oil, while grilled meat or spicy stews, preceded by a salad tossed in yogurt or in oil, are the mainstay of evening meals. Bulgarians have traditionally relied on numerous light snacks (fruit, cheese, bread, and other baked goods), eaten throughout the day, to sustain them as they labored in the fields or pastures or, later, in the factories and mines.
The classic Bulgarian dishes are simple and hearty. The "national soup," tarator, is a cold cucumber and yogurt soup seasoned with dill and garlic and topped with chopped walnuts. Another popular starter, the salata shopska, is a mixed salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, and onions tossed in vinegar and sunflower oil and sprinkled with a light layer of crumbled cheese. Bulgarian meals are invariably accompanied by the oven-baked bread known as pitka, which is served with ciubritsa, an aromatic condiment with a native herb resembling tarragon at its base.
Of the traditional Bulgarian main dishes, gyuvech is the best known. Baked in an earthenware dish, it is a rich, spicy stew of various vegetables— usually some combination of peppers, chilies, onions, tomatoes, eggplant, and beans—cooked with meaty chunks of veal, pork, lamb, or beef, then slathered with a yogurt-egg sauce which bakes into a crust. Also popular, sarmi is made by stuffing cabbage leaves with minced meat and rice. Other common meat dishes are kebabche, a grilled patty of minced pork, lamb, and veal flavored with garlic, and kyufte, a meatball of the same ingredients, as well as the more universal chops and filets of veal and pork.
Desserts, too, reflect Bulgaria's history and its unique geopolitical position: the middle Eastern pastry baklava, a layered pastry of chopped nuts drenched in honey, is as common as garash, a chocolate layer cake with central European antecedents. Local fruits make another post-dinner favorite, the dessert varying with the season— strawberries, raspberries, plums, cherries, peaches, apples, and grapes. Coffee, or kafe, is consumed Turkish-style or as European espresso.
Macedonians are big gourmands. The Macedonian cuisine, is a representative of the cuisine of the Balkans, reflecting Turkish, Greek and Middle Eastern influences and to a lesser extent Italian, Mediterranean and Hungarian ones. The relatively warm climate provides excellent growth conditions for a variety of vegetables, herbs and fruits. Thus, Macedonian cuisine is particularly diverse.
· The Bulgarians and Macedonians emigrated to Western Pennsylvania from 1905 through World War II.
· Usually they were young male mill workers who stayed in boarding houses
· Came to make enough money for relatives at home
· Usually they were young male mill workers who stayed in boarding houses
· Came to make enough money for relatives at home
· 1912-1923 – the most came because of the height of the Balkan War
· Areas where they came from: Sofia (west Bulgaria) & central area of Bulgaria (known for its roses)
· Macedonian and Bulgarians linked and settled in same areas
· Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic
· Bulgarian-Macedonian Beneficial Association began in 1935
· Emphasis on learning and preserving tradition
· Opened multiple bakeries: One of them being West Homestead Baking Company
· Known for Rye among other breads
· Areas where they came from: Sofia (west Bulgaria) & central area of Bulgaria (known for its roses)
· Macedonian and Bulgarians linked and settled in same areas
· Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic
· Bulgarian-Macedonian Beneficial Association began in 1935
· Emphasis on learning and preserving tradition
· Opened multiple bakeries: One of them being West Homestead Baking Company
· Known for Rye among other breads
· Homemade yoghurt
· Yoghurt cookies (korabeeki)
· Cold cucumber Soup (tarator)
· White Bean Soup (fasul or bop)
· Strudels
o Apple
o Banitza dough (flaky strudel) with fillings
Modern links for homemade Bulgarian yogurt
Links for yogurt cookies
Links for cold cucumber soup
Links for white bean soup (bob chorba)